Saturday, 16 November 2013

How to Create a SEO strategy with Webmaster Tools!!!

Many SEO marketers are wondering for a tool that can help them to build a high-level SEO Strategy. But I completely disagree about this approach as a Google Webmaster Tools can be the best alternative. Here, Google Webmaster Expert Maile Ohye has explained "How to build SEO and Online Strategy for Your Business's online channels including(website, blog, social media channels) using Google Webmaster Tools. This tool includes multi-part process.

There are few steps for SEO Strategy.

  1. Understanding the searcher persona workflow determining company and website.
  2. Determine company and website goal.
  3. Audit your site to best reach your audience and
  4. Execute and make improvement.

References :

Friday, 15 November 2013

Touching Reunion Google Search Ad from Google India.

Google facilitates a reunion between two childhood friends separated by the 1947 India-Pakistan partition in this touching ad from Google India. In this ad, a granddaughter in India decides to surprise her grandfather on his birthday by reuniting him with his childhood friend (who is now in Pakistan) after over 6 decades of separation, with a little help from Google Search. The two childhood friend used to fly kites and steal Jhajariyas from a nearby shop and hang out in a park with an ancient gate in the city of Lahore. Using this information, the woman does a Google search for "park with ancient gate in Lahore" and finds a Wikipedia entry that reveals its name: Mochi Gate. She then does a Google search for "oldest sweet shop near Mochi Gate Lahore" and finds a place called Fazal Sweets. The woman calls the store and tracks down Yusef, who remembers his old friend. A young man, presumably Yusef's grandson, uses Google to arrange the man's Indian visa and flight. In the end, Baldev and Yusef reunite. You can read full "transcript" of ad on YouTube. The full script of the ad is below: References: